add an ‘e’

|| how to make fondue || @popfizzclinkLBD

Fondu melts away the past decade and brings me back to my 15 years of pink tights, pointe shoes and performances as a ballerina gracefully bending the knee of my supporting leg. Add some vodka,  a Pier 1 gift card and the letter ‘e’ and the term, Fondue takes on an entirely new meaning. For a late night summer supper, Trey and I took to the sticks and the stovetop for an easy meal that would be great for a couple’s dinner party or ultimate cheese craving.

Gruyere Cheese Fondue

2 c gruyère, grated
1 clove of garlic, roasted and minced
1 sprig of rosemary, chopped
Pinch of salt
Pinch of pepper

1.Gradually stir in cheese. Alternate adding additional cheese with garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper. Once all ingredients added, continue to stir until smooth.

2. Serve with cured meats, asparagus, dried figs and an assortment of bread, including sourdough, ciabatta or my favorite, naan.

|| gruyere cheese fondue recipe || @popfizzclinkLBD

let it grow

|| ideas for summer garden || @popfizzclinkLBDSummer fills me like no other season. There is something about sun-kissed skin and warm night drives that rekindles my spirit for the rest of the year. A few years ago I discovered the best way to cultivate summer is to get out there and feel it between your hands. My summer garden, planted in late April, turned into my summer grocery by mid-June. Banana peppers, cayenne peppers, green bell peppers, jalapeño peppers, roma tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, sweet bulbs onions and my favorite summer side, okra grew to be harvested as the nights got longer and the days got hotter.

|| how to garden || @popfizzclinkLBD

“Show me your garden and I shall tell you what you are.” -Alfred Austin
|| summer garden tips || @popfizzclinkLBD

banana pudding, baby

|| whipped cream recipe || @popfizzclinkLBD

Treats n’ snoozin’, snoozin’ n’ treats. That’s the life Miss Emma Grace has in store for her as the most precious baby girl born into our group of friends. A homemade homecoming of banana pudding topped off with fresh, whipped cream seemed to be the sweetest way to celebrate this future Baylor Bear, woman president and heartbreaker. For Emma.

|| banana pudding with whipped cream recipe || @popfizzclinkLBDBanana Pudding

3/4 c sugar
2 Tbsp. flour
4 bananas, sliced
2 c milk
1 Tbsp. vanilla extract
4 egg yolks
1 Tbsp. cornstarch
1 tsp. of salt

Whipped Cream

1 c heavy whipping cream
1 Tbsp. powdered sugar

1. In double broiler, combine  sugar, cornstarch, flour and salt. Slowly add milk and stir constantly until custard thickens.

2. In a separate bowl, beat egg yolks and temper with custard mixture, then add to the remaining custard. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract. Let cool.

3. Using a large electric mixer, mix the heavy whipping cream and powdered sugar to form the fresh, whipped cream.

4. Serve with vanilla wafers.

|| banana pudding dessert ideas || @popfizzclinkLBD