
a work of art is useless as a flower is useless. a flower blossoms for its own joy. we gain a moment of joy by looking at it.”- oscar wilde.

LT103pop. let’s drink champagne and dance on the table, then dine on one of my recipe rewinds. enjoy recipes from my monthly food magazine subscription obsessions:  bon appétit, food & wine, real simple, et cetera.
fizz. my long distance love and I make up for lost time and spend our weekends recreating culinary-mastered dishes to manageable date night dinners. from an occasional soirée to an artisan-inspired craft, there can never be too many bubbles or too much glitter.
clinkmake your dinners pop like pink champagne, taste the stars and cheers to c’est la vie.
go on, be dazzling.

Please share your recipes, xoxo and well-wishes…